Treat your website like a car
Treating your website like a car may sound like a weird analogy, but it makes sense. If you want your website to stay in the fast lane, you should regularly service and maintain your website. Service I have my car engine serviced about twice a year, and the tyres changed every 2-3 years. Like a
Social media platform overload
It is frustrating arriving to a website with social media icons everywhere saying “Connect to us” and “I’m social”, when the reality is, they only actively use one platform, or share that same post automatically with another two platforms. The problem is, how many platforms should you engage with? Over the years I have attended many social media
Vale Google Authorship
It is with great sadness today that we morn the passing of Google Authorship. Google Authorship died so young, however it was a beautiful, elegant life lived. For such a beautiful life, Authorship’s parent Google will only morn the lost revenuefrom sponsored ads. We found Google Authorship was very useful in finding trusted sources of information quickly. Displaying the Google+