Ranking higher than your competitors on Google ongoing job which can become expensive if outsourcing the work.
The great thing when your website uses a Content Management System (CMS) like WordPress, you have the capacity to do much of the SEO work yourself using free plugins.
There are three free tools that are vital for SEO:
- WordPress SEO by Yoast (For WordPress sites only)
This powerful tool allows you to change page titles and descriptions, assist you writing rich content, builds and XML sitemap as well as setting up your robots.txt file. This is probably the best plugin ever. - Google Search Console
Formally known as Google Webmaster Tools, the Search Console has a number of tools to guide you to improving your sites performance. - Google Analytics
Website statistics are important to gauge whether your websites performance has improved with the work you have done, or monitoring spikes in visits from other marketing campaigns.
Now for the hard stuff
Setting up those tools is the easy stuff. Now it is time to work on the process of increasing your page rank.
Words to sell your products or services are crucial. Not only should you be writing for your clients, but your content needs to be friendly for Google to rank your pages higher.
Writing good keyword rich content is extremely difficult, and that is why the rates of professional copywriters are expensive. Glenn Murray from Divine Write wrote a good article called
“Why I charge $1,200+ per page for copywriting“.
Page titles & page descriptions
On Twitter, it is painful sometimes trying to convey your message in 140 characters. Page titles & descriptions are the same.
The WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin is a useful tool when rewriting the title and description for each page.
Below is an example of when someone would Google “Camping at Depot Beach”. As you can see the variables “Camping” and “Depot Beach” are in the Title, URL and Description, hence why Google would rank this page higher than its competitors.
Link building
This is probably the hardest chore in SEO, getting people to create a link back to your website.
On this page I have provided Divine Write, Yoast and Paddy Moogan a few backlinks, and they should appreciate that.
When you’re a big organisation with plenty of resources and the ability to hire a rockstar to flog your product, the organic backlinks would be easier to generate than a small business.
Some people make the mistake of spending small amounts of money on foreign companies to build backlinks. However these “Link farms” will usually send a red flag to Google and you may incur a penalty as a result from trying to deceive the Google algorithms.
You’re probably asking “How do I get backlinks to my site?” Thats the hard part, but here are a few suggestions:
- Ensure your product or service has unique appeal (Point of difference)
- Get a blogger/reviewer to review your product or service by providing them with a freebie
- Use social media to create a conversation
- Have great photos or videos that can be shared
- Provide visitors with a freebie or other incentive to visit your site
- Offer yourself as an affiliate
Google Search Console provides you with a list websites with hyperlinks to your website.
SEO eBooks
If you wish to save some money by attempting to these tasks yourself, here are a few ebooks that can assist you with improving your page rank:
- Optimize your WordPress site by Yoast
- SEO Secrets by Glenn Murray
- Practical SEO Copywriting by Glenn Murray
- The Link Building Book by Paddy Moogan